Finally a nuanced view of the Leslieville residents has emerged. This is a fantastic summary of how nearby residents - ones who are actually affected - feel about their neighbours at SRCHC. Contrary to nearly every major media outlet, politician, and bureaucrat, these aren’t NIMBYs, wealthy elites, or activists exploiting a murder. These are people with honourable fears and concerns that exist solely because of a mismanaged harm reduction clinic that’s shown itself to be hostile and unaccountable to its neighbours. These people have been called eugenicists, fascists, and directly accused of exploiting the murder of a local Mother in the Toronto Star - and those labels come from senior public health officials. That’s what these neighbours have to put up with for the sin of asking this healthcare centre to live up to its promises. Lastly, I would just remind that one of the employees of this centre is currently up on accessory charges for aiding and abetting the escape of one of the shooters. How is this clinic allowed to stay open?

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The problem lies in the supply side of the equation. The supply side is a criminal operation while the sale of narcotics remains illegal. Governments and do gooders will not address this problem as they suffer from the ostrich phenomena.

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